LEDLabs is an electronic workbench for students and hobbyists, a teaching resource for teachers and a very useful aid for the seasoned electronics engineer.
It has on board facilities to aid in prototyping and designing circuits, either electronic or micro-controlled with the Arduino, PIC, or other development boards/microcontroller. It can be facilitated as a motherboard to house most micros, sensor modules, integrated circuits and logic ICs.
Bits, Bytes & Nibbles!
LEDLabs deals with the bits and the bytes and 4 bit nibbles which is fundamental to underpinning knowledge in Micros.

Reusable building blocks
Do you often find creating the same circuits again and again when prototyping? LEDLabs provides the basic building blocks required to start your project faster! With an instant power supply. a full resistor bank containing common values, switches and much, much more, it has never been easier to concentrate on the good stuff rather than spend your time producing the same circuit or looking around for resistors. LedLabs can work with a usb battery bank, so therefore is portable. Most sensor modules can be plugged into the Zif sockets or breakout ports. And similarly logic gates like And Nand Or, Nor, Exor can be used in the zif socket, and outputs noted on Led labs, sounders or leds etc.
You are limited By Your Own Imagination
The wonder of modern electronics is that your learning experience is accelerated bringing those more complicated projects closer than you might have previously thought.
You may only want to sound a buzzer after 5 seconds, then blink an led for a further 2 seconds. however this tests that conditions are working, and your program code is correct. Arduino or atmega can be programmed in situ on Led Labs board through uno board etc, by connecting the rx tx rst and 0v, from the uno programmers output to the inputs mentioned on Led Labs, other micro’s are programmed in the usual way through their programmers, then the micro removed and placed in Led Labs. Some programming boards such as Raspberry pi have output connectors, which can be linked to devices on LedLabs, just connecting the ground from one of these programmers to LedLabs to common them together.
Led Labs is not limited just by micro-controllers, other ‘old skool’ electronics experiments can be realised.
At this time, our products are only available to customers in the UK on this site. If you are outside the UK and your country is part of the eBay International Shipping Program, they can be purchased there. Search for Led Labs DIY or click the link at the top of this page.